Individualized Major

Program Details

The BAS “Individualized” major is declared with an approved individualized title. The title may not contain the word “engineering” and should avoid any possible confusion with a named BSE program name. Students must apply for the “Individualized” major, in accordance with the following parameters:

  1. Must possess a minimum of 3.3 cumulative GPA to apply;
  2. Must complete requirements of the first two years of a BSE or named BAS program curriculum, specifically, the first two years of the Math, Science, and Engineering requirements.
  3. Must have a Faculty Mentor (Advisor) in SEAS as sponsor of application, indicating his/her willingness to serve as Advisor for the student’s work in an Individualized major;
  4. Must complete an “Application for the Individualized Major” which will be reviewed by the Petition for Action Committee. The Petition must be signed by the sponsoring Faculty Advisor as well as that faculty member’s Undergraduate Chair.
  5. The earliest time to apply is spring of sophomore year, for junior year entry.

Career Goal Statement:

Every student in an individualized BAS degree program must write a one-page narrative that describes his or her career goals and the role that the engineering component of the plan will play in preparation for that career. This narrative must be submitted with the application for the Individualized Major. The career goal statement should be accompanied by a BAS CPG which has been approved and signed by the academic advisor. The course plan may be amended at any time by submitting a revised CPG.